Opening 01.10.2024 | Closing 07.02.2025
The aim of this call for projects is to stimulate collaborative innovation in order to propose solutions that help meet the challenges of multimedia content security, from data confidentiality to emerging threats linked to new technologies. It is conducted in collaboration with IMI - Initiative for Media Innovation.
We invite university researchers, multimedia and press industry players, innovation stakeholders, and digital technologies experts to join forces to protect data and secure multimedia exchanges in a paradigm of profound change in information channels and human interactions.
The objective of this call is to explore new ideas and methodologies, to explore disruptive concepts and to develop innovative technical solutions that promote trust, security and privacy in the multimedia domain.
You learn about the topic, its specific challenges and current issues.
You discover the timetable and next steps of the call for projects. -
Kick Off & Connect Workshop
You gain insights and deepen your knowledge in a session led by a key opinion leader.
You meet other players stimulated by the call for projects.
You identify potential partners for your project and/or apply your skills to other projects.The workshop has been postponed. We will announce the new date soon.
You submit your project idea in the form of a 1-pager and a 3-5 minute video.
If your idea wins over the Selection Committee, you receive CHF 5,000 to align your partners and setup your project. -
Full proposal
You submit your final application in the form of a 10-page dossier.
Together with your partners, you try to convince the Selection Committee to award you up to CHF 100,000.
Check your project fit
Grant amount
max. CHF 100,000 per project
Financing rate
[ max. 90% of total eligible project costs
[ max. 70% of the costs of implementation partners
Eligible costs
[ Human resources, materials and supplies costs of each academic and implementation partner
[ External legal and communication costs (up to a maximum of 10% of total eligible costs)
Project duration
6 to 12 months (with flexibility)
[ Project led by a university staff member (EPFL, HEIG-VD, UNIL)
[ Collaboration between (at least) 2 universities and 1 implementation partner located in the canton of Vaud
[ Direct outputs/benefits to local economy and society
[ Valuable and (at least partially) disclosable results
Got an idea in mind? Activate your Booster
Setup Booster CHF 5,000
Formalize your idea in the form of a pre-project consisting of a 1-pager and a 3-5 minute video.
If the Selection Committee approves your pre-project, you will receive a lump-sum grant of CHF 5,000 to hire your partners and set up the project.
Your efforts will be rewarded, whatever the outcome.
Contact us as soon as possible after the Kick Off & Connect Workshop to get your Booster.
Follow our timetable
- 01.10.2024 - Opening of the call for projects
- 21.11.2024 - Kick Off & Connect Workshop - The workshop has been postponed. We will announce the new date soon.
- 13.12.2024 - Submission of pre-projects (1 pager + 3-5mn video pitch)
- 20.12.2024 - Allocation of Setup Boosters
- 07.02.2025 - Submission of full proposals
- 02.2025 (TBD) - Selection of projects and allocation of financial support
- 31.05.2025 - Deadline for starting projects
- 31.05.2026 - Closing date for projects
- 08-09.2026 (TBD) - Projects showcase event
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Which laboratories, institutes and research groups can submit or participate in a [seal] project?
The [seal] program is open to members of the EPFL - UNIL - HEIG-VD consortium. Each laboratory, institute and research group of these 3 institutions can participate in the projects. This means that the program is not restricted to specialists in digital trust and cybersecurity, but applies to every field that requires these skills.
Within an academic institution, who can be a project leader [seal]?
All employees of the 3 academic institutions (EPFL, UNIL, HEIG-VD) can submit a project and be the project leader, subject to compliance with their internal rules and practices. The program is therefore not restricted to professors. Scientific collaborators, research fellows and assistants, postdocs and PhD students are also eligible.
What does it mean to be a project leader?
The project leader is the project sponsor for the [seal] program. He/she assumes the role of general coordinator, financial intermediary and communication agent. This does not mean, however, that he/she has to be the main contributor to the project.
What kind of human resources can academic partners bring to a project?
All functions (professors, postdocs, PhD students, assistants, etc.) can be valued at their respective rates, if their contribution to the project proves relevant. It is also possible to make a contribution through supervised student work (Master's thesis, for example).
What additional sources of funding can academic partners tap into?
Other sources of funding are welcome (academic structural funds, national funds, foundations, industrial contributions). They must be announced transparently.
How can [seal] funding complement a longer-term (basic) research program?
Seal] funding can be envisaged as a one-off complement to a research project, enabling the application of intermediate results(Proof of Concept, prototype, pilot, Poof of Value). In this context, it can be used to cover part of the salary of a doctoral student or staff hired specifically for this purpose.
At what rate are working hours valued?
Academic partners apply their Innosuisse hourly rates. The hourly rate for
implementation partners (companies, non-profit organizations, public administration departments) does not exceed CHF 150.
What is the role of an implementation partner?
In principle, the implementation partner(s) plays a very active role in the design and development of the project, and accounts for a substantial share of the costs. However, it is possible to give them a more consultative role (strategic orientation and choices, feedback from the field, economic positioning, user testing).
Can [seal] funding also cover the costs of implementation partners?
Yes, the personnel and material costs of implementation partners (companies, non-profit organizations, public administration departments) can be financed up to a maximum of 70%. The costs of academic partners can be covered up to 100% by [seal].
Do implementation partners have to make a cash contribution?
No, implementation partners can limit their in-kind contribution (human and material resources) to a minimum of 30% of the costs attributable to them.
What is the minimum contribution of implementation partners?
No minimum contribution is defined. Funding [seal] is limited to 90% of project costs, but the remaining 10% may come from sources other than the implementation partners.
Submit your project
The submission must be made by an employee of an academic partner (EPFL, HEIG-VD, UNIL) according to our regulations.